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Shen Yun Embarks on 18th Global Tour


December 28, 2024

Happy holidays and happy New Year! This week marks the beginning of Shen Yun’s 2025 tour, and it is going to be one of our biggest seasons yet.

This year’s all-new production premiered in Nagoya, Japan and Atlanta, GA December 23. This weekend Shen Yun is also performing in San Jose, CA, Austin and Houston, TX, Waterbury, CT, and Florence, Italy.

Shen Yun’s first global tour started in late 2006. Every year since, the company has premiered an all-new production and taken it around the world.

Indeed, this year's tour includes over a month in each of Japan (10 cities), Taiwan (8 cities), Italy (8 cities) and the U.K. (12 cities). In the United States, Shen Yun will be in 36 states, as well as in Washington DC and Puerto Rico, with particularly long stays in Texas (10 cities) and California (17 cities). The tour will also include many shows in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden.


If you have seen our billboards or TV ads, you have seen our tagline: “China before communism.” This isn’t just a motto but the actual mission of our company—to revive traditional Chinese culture. This is the heritage of five millennia that the Chinese Communist Party has spent decades trying to destroy.

In each performance, Shen Yun features not only the stories and legends of ancient China but the values and virtues behind them—loyalty, compassion, integrity, faith. And among the 20 or so pieces in each performance are a couple of dance numbers depicting tyranny in modern China, and the courageous resistance to it.

As audience members repeatedly comment, one of the show’s key messages is that by reconnecting with tradition we find hope for the future.


Our company’s founders knew that this cultural revival could only be launched in a free society. And that is why these artists came together in New York’s Hudson River Valley and created Shen Yun.

The initiative quickly drew elite artists from China who hungered for a space to explore their artistic freedom. At great risk, they left everything behind to join a mission they believed in. Many did not make it out.

With no financial backing from any government or large corporation, Shen Yun grew from nothing to the fastest growing performing arts company in American performing arts history!

Now, with multiple companies that simultaneously tour around the globe, Shen Yun has performed in 36 countries and well over 200 cities for millions worldwide.


In 18 seasons, Shen Yun’s creative output, year after year, as well as ingenuity in the field of performing arts, has set the company apart.

The company’s primary art form is classical Chinese dance, which has thousands of years of history. All our dancers are systematically trained in the art form--Shen Yun is home to literally hundreds of the world’s top classical Chinese dancers, among them many award-winning artists.

Our team of choreographers develops new works of dance for each year’s performance. Since its inception, Shen Yun has presented over 300 world premiere dance pieces, each with its own original music, costumes, and backdrop.

Our orchestra is the first in the world to combine both classical Western and Chinese instruments as its permanent members. Ancient instruments, like the two-stringed erhu and the plucked pipa, harmoniously blend with a full Western orchestra—strings, woodwinds, and brass—a feat many had previously tried but failed to accomplish.

Shen Yun holds a registered patent for integration of projected, animated backdrop and performers. This invention is a system that allows performers to travel back and forth between the stage and the animated backdrop, instantly transporting the audience to distant lands and bygone eras, as well as creating some magically fun surprises.


Shen Yun has achieved all this in spite of a global recession, in spite of the pandemic, and in spite of the world’s biggest dictatorship trying to sabotage us at every turn, running an international smear campaign against us still today.

Our artists, though, are not deterred and are as motivated as ever. They are driven not only by pursuit of artistic excellence, but also by a genuine wish to share these traditions, and to put on the best and most inspiring performances for the audience.

This year’s production is full of fun stories, touching romance, and uplifting moments, not to mention brilliant costumes, exquisite music, and breathtaking classical Chinese dance techniques. We are excited to share all this with you and look forward to seeing you at a theater soon!

For tickets, visit For tour schedule, see:
