Shen Yun Comentários: Gordy Zanity-Donn, musician
“I’m watching this and I’m feeling, I don’t want to say healed, but I’m feeling healed, and I’m feeling really calm, just calm and inspired. It was just a wonderful thing... Just the images of all the people dancing, the colors, and all the music, it just all fit. It was like it was meant to be. It was like this incredible painting where everything comes together as one... It was awe inspiring. You can come, it’s very relaxing and moving. It’s almost like you transcend to somewhere else. You wouldn’t believe it until you experience it and see it... There is more to music than just what we hear on the radio every day. You’ve got to experience different cultures. You’ve got to get out there. It’s so difficult to describe it, but the experience is really awesome.”
08 de janeiro de 2017