Shen Yun Returns from Asia


Shen Yun Performing Arts’s International Company returned after nearly four months touring Asia-Pacific. The roughly 100-performance run spanned five countries and 19 cities.

Arriving in New York from Taiwan via Seoul, the tired but triumphant group was happy to be back.

“I’m pretty relieved to have completed our tour,” principal dancer Daoyong Zheng said upon arriving at JFK Airport. “We’ve been away for four months, but since Taiwan is where I’m from, the tour itself also felt like coming home.”

This season Shen Yun performed in Taiwan for over a month, touring eight cities. As Shen Yun’s members hail from all over the world, on tour many of the artists suddenly found themselves back in their hometowns.

Ming Liu, an American-born Chinese, gave his thoughts on the conclusion of the recent Taiwan leg of the tour. “I felt like my energy level was quite high even at the end of tour. It was just so satisfying to perform in front of so many full houses in Taiwan,” he said. “That kind of energy is indescribable. I wish we had more shows!”

Being on tour is not just about performances and hard work. The artists do find opportunities to enjoy the sights and sounds of their surroundings.

“Sydney was my favorite stop,” said Zheng. “We stayed in the city center but also visited the beautiful beaches several times. It was amazing how close the beaches were to downtown.”

For Liu, the liveliness of Taipei was unforgettable. “Taipei was definitely my favorite stop. The amount of activity and great food at the night markets is truly unique.”

Even though the performers have all returned, they still have one stop left on tour. Fortunately, it is a mere bus ride away in New Brunswick, NJ, at the New Jersey State Theater, May 6-8. These four shows will conclude Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s 2011 world tour. It’s your last chance to see them perform this season! Don’t miss it!

27 de abril de 2011