Shen Yun Dancers Win Top-Honors at Int'l Classical Chinese Dance Competition

New Tang Dynasty Television’s fourth International Classical Chinese Dance Competition concluded Sunday after three intense days of contest. Dancers from Shen Yun Performing Arts again received top honors, attaining three bronze, three silver, and five gold medals.

The competition, held at SUNY Purchase’s Performing Arts Center in New York, included two parts. Each competitor prepared a grueling required movements piece, demonstrating many types of flips, jumps, spins and other difficult techniques, all the while also emphasizing their connection and fluidity. Competitors also performed self-selected pieces, which ranged from great generals in Chinese history to portrayals of celestial maidens and blossoming lotus flowers.

Shen Yun's gold winners are:

Rachael Bastik
  Rachael Bastik
  Cindy Liu


TimWu  StevenWang
Tim Wu
Steven Wang
Golden Li


These dancers are now preparing for the new 2011 Shen Yun show, which will begin its new touring season in mid-December.

13 de setembro de 2010